Rare Science Fiction Books

At Forum Auctions

The Final Frontier...

Interest in rare science fiction books has taken off at warp speed since its earliest exponents and visionaries first speculated on the potential of science and technology. With a pedigree that stretches back to the 2nd century AD, science fiction went interstellar thanks to the pulp fiction publishing phenomenon of the early 20th century. Today sci-fi is one of the most popular aspects of television and film entertainment, with new films such as Frank Herbert's Dune series and the Foundation streaming series based upon Isaac Asimov's books pulling in new fans to the genre.

"Science fiction can be defined as that branch of literature which deals with the reaction of human beings to changes in science and technology."
Isaac Asimov.

In this short piece we look at some of our favourite rare science fiction books to come up at auction. These include first editions, signed books and limited editions, which we hope showcase the diversity and collectability of sci-fi in today's rare books market.

Sci-Fi at Forum Auctions

Rare Science Fiction Books @ Forum Auctions
Science Fiction is just one of the popular genres of literature we auction regularly; visit our Modern First Editions department for more information. 
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Rare Science Fiction Books at Forum Auctions

  1. The True History of Lucian the Samosatenian, Golden Cockerel Press, 1927. Sold for £1,075.
    The first example of science fiction is often debated among literary scholars. However, many consider this work by the ancient Greek author Lucian of Samosata to be a strong contender. Written in the 2nd century AD, this satirical narrative describes a voyage to the Moon and encounters with alien life forms, interplanetary warfare and even interstellar colonisation!

  2. Cyrano de Bergerac, The Comical History of the States and Empires of the Worlds of the Moon and Sun, first English edition, 1687. Sold for £4,375.
    A fabulous satirical use of fantastical journeys and utopian societies. It is credited by Arthur C. Clarke with the first description of rocket-powered spaceflight. The work went on to influence many other titles seen as early science fiction, including Gulliver's Travels by Jonathan Swift.

  3. Nicolas Edmé Restif de la Bretonne, La Découverte australe Par un Homme-volant, ou La Dédale français, 4 vol., first edition, first issue, 1781. Sold for £6,950.
    A curious and fantastic account of a flying-man in an unexplored Southern utopia, featuring prophetic inventions. A very rare science fiction book thus in the first issue.

  4. Mary Shelley, Frankenstein; or, The Modern Prometheus, vol.2 & 3 only (of 3), first edition, 1818. Sold for £11,250.
    A sadly incomplete copy of this landmark romantic novel, arguably the first science fiction work in the English language. First editions of Frankenstein are rare in any condition.

  5. H.G. Wells, The War of the Worlds, first edition, first issue, 1898. Sold for £4,000.
    A truly lovely first edition, first issue of Wells' most famous, much adapted, sci-fi classic. The ultimate space invaders first edition.

  6. Karel Čapek, R.U.R. Rossum's Universal Robots, first edition, 1920. Sold for £2,020.
    Čapek's landmark science fiction play that introduced the word "robot" to the world. Particularly interesting now perhaps with the advent of general AI looming large...

  7. Aldous Huxley, Brave New World, first edition, 1932. Sold for £8,200.
    Huxley's pivotal dystopian novel. Brave New World presents a future society driven by technological and genetic manipulation, exploring themes of individuality and freedom. This was an excellent example of the first edition.

  8. C.S. Lewis, [The Space Trilogy], 3 vol., first editions, 1938-45. Sold for £13,750.
    Better known for his Narnia novels and Screwtape letters perhaps, but C.S. Lewis carved an important niche for himself in the world of rare science fiction books with this trilogy. Very hard to find in good order with jackets all present.

  9. George Orwell, Nineteen Eighty-Four, first edition, 1949. Sold for £13,900.
    The ultimate dystopian classic, depicting a totalitarian regime's extreme surveillance and control over truth and individuality. This work continues to influence discussions on government power and privacy. Here in the rare publisher's "belly-band".

  10. John Wyndham, The Day of the Triffids, first edition, 1951. Sold for £1,500.
    A terrifying tale of a world plunged into blindness and predatory stalking plants that spit... Classic example of Wyndham's scifi-horror mash-up style.

  11. Ray Bradbury, Fahrenheit 451, first English edition, card signed by the author, 1954. Sold for £475.
    A modern sci-fi classic. Bradbury's tale of a future society where books are banned and 'firemen' burn any that are found. The work explores themes of censorship, ignorance and the preservation of knowledge.

  12. Philip K. Dick, A Handful of Darkness, first edition, 1955. Sold for £815.
    Best known as author of Bladerunner (Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep?) and Total Recall, Dick was often at his best in the short story format. This is his first short story collection and his first book published in hardcover. Scarce with the first state jacket in good condition.

  13. Frank Herbert, Dune, first English edition, 1966. Sold for £1,500.
    The scarce first English edition of this science fiction classic, especially rare with printed wraparound band. Herbert's Dune series delved deep into complex themes of politics, religion and ecology, all within a meticulously crafted extraterrestrial setting.

  14. Arthur C. Clarke, 2001: A Space Odyssey, first edition, US printing. Sold for £1,200.
    The first edition of Clarke's groundbreaking synthesis of science fiction and, in partnership with Stanley Kubrick, cinema.

  15. Douglas Adams, The Hitch Hiker's Guide to the Galaxy, first edition, in first state jacket, 1979. Sold for £3,275.
    The rare first issue of the hardback edition of this humorous, yet insightful homage to the sci-fi genre, blending wit with speculative science. The first book in Adams' "trilogy of six books".

  16. Isaac Asimov, The Foundation Trilogy, first collected edition inscribed by the author, 1982. Sold for £755.
    The first edition of this collection of the first three works in the Foundation series, scarce signed.

  17. William Gibson, Neuromancer, first hardback edition, signed by the author, 1984. Sold for £2,125.
    Gibson's first novel and a landmark work of science fiction. Neuromancer is one of the earliest and most influential of the cyberpunk sub-genre, it popularised the term "cyberspace" and has been credited with influencing the development of the World Wide Web.
Cyrano de Bergerac, The Comical History of the States and Empires of the Worlds of the Moon and Sun


Cyrano de Bergerac, The Comical History of the States and Empires of the Worlds of the Moon and Sun, 1687
First edition Frankenstein


Mary Shelley, Frankenstein; or, The Modern Prometheus, first edition, 1818
HG Wells, War of the Worlds


H.G. Wells, The War of the Worlds, first edition, 1898
Hitch-Hikers Guide to the Galaxy


Douglas Adams,  The Hitch Hiker's Guide to the Galaxy, first edition, 1979

Collecting Science Fiction

Like other established areas of genre fiction, science fiction is great for collectors as there are so many different entry points, catering to a range of budgets and accommodating collectors at all levels. Whether you are interested in collecting the important, antiquarian precursors to the science-fiction genre, first editions from the golden age of sci-fi or even the collectable pulps that transformed the genre, often featuring the first appearance in print of some of the most well known tales, we're here to help! Contact our Modern First Editions specialist Max Hasler for more information.

If you are interested in researching other science fiction authors and books, you might find the online Encyclopedia of Science Fiction both useful and interesting.


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