Ireland.- [1798 Rebellion.] The Report from the Secret Committee of the House of Commons, disbound, [Goldsmiths' 17463], Dublin, W.Sleater, 1798 § Morgan (Lady S.) Absenteeism, first edition, lacking half-title, 4pp. prospectus at end, bookplate of Baron de Robeck, R.D.C.Black's copy with his ink inscription, contemporary half calf, new morocco label, 1825 § Colquhoun (J.C.) The System of National Education in Ireland, first edition, 2pp. advertisements at end, original blind-stamped cloth, recased, Cheltenham, 1838 § Sadler (M.T.) Ireland; its Evils, and their Remedies, second edition, some foxing, contemporary half calf, 1829 § Mason (James) A Brief Statement of the Present System of Tythes in Ireland, with a Plan for its Improvement, half-title with ink inscription, a little creased and soiled, faint ink library stamp to title, modern cloth, Shrewsbury, 1808 § [Irish Unionist Alliance.] A Voice from Ireland on the Home Rule Bill. Speeches a Special General Synod of the Church of Ireland, first edition, double column, stapled original printed wrappers, lightly browned, vertical crease from folding, Dublin, [1893], most a little rubbed; and c.15 others relating to Ireland, mostly pamphlets, 8vo & 4to (c.20)
⁂ R.D.Collison Black (1922-2008), Irish economic historian, Professor of Economics at Queen's University Belfast, compiler of A Catalogue of Pamphlets on Economic Subjects Published Between 1750 and 1900 and Now Housed in Irish Libraries of 1969, and authority on W.S.Jevons.