Bibliography is traditionally the study and description of books for academic or reference purposes. Here at Forum Auctions, Rare Bibliography Books include: books about books; books about illustration; printing & typography; reference works on book collecting, publishing and the history of the rare book trade, as well as auction and bookdealer catalogues. The province of bibliophiles, bibliographies can be truly wonderful examples of the pedant's art and often provide a path through some of the most famously complicated rare book collations, paginations and plate-counts. A boon for many rare book collectors and cataloguers!
Forum Auctions is blessed to number many bibliophiles among its ranks. Our Rare Bibliography Books specialists are available to provide valuations and advise best path to market for any books on books, the art of illustration, printing, publishing and the venerable book-trade you may have, as well as advise on probate and insurance valuations for single items or collections. Please view the Experts section below for more information.
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Bibliography at Forum Auctions is somewhat amorphous, but it includes:
- Books about books
- Books about the art of illustration
- Books about typography, including specimen books
- Books about bindings
- Books about paper and other materials used in book production
- Books about publishers, printers and presses
- Monographs on books about particular authors and other published persons
- Books about the book trade
- Bookseller and auction house catalogues of book sales