Collecting Rare Books

At Forum Auctions

Collecting Rare Books

Collecting rare books represents one of the most exciting and accessible areas of the collectibles world, but it can be daunting for the uninitiated. As a leading specialist auction house for rare books, manuscripts and other works on paper, Forum Auctions offers each year a vast range of rare books of all shapes, sizes & dates, across a broad spectrum of prices and specialist areas of interest. Whether you are a seasoned collector of rare books looking to build upon your collection, or someone who has just started out on this path, we hope the following guide will assist you in collecting rare books.

  1. Which rare books should I collect?

    An obvious tenet perhaps, but anyone who is collecting rare books should focus on something that interests, inspires or otherwise engages them. From first edition books by a favourite author or illustrator, famous children's books or a literary genre/subgenre, to antiquarian books printed in a particular period or works that record mankind's evolution through the lens of science and art. Ideally it should be a subject dear to the heart that will continue to reward the pursuit and thrill the collector.

    There are rare books to be collected on almost every subject, catering to a range of budgets and accommodating book collectors at all levels. Some rare book collectors draw inspiration from other renowned book collections, such as Printing and the Mind of Man, an exhibition held in 1963 and which included contributions from Ian Fleming no less. Whatever you choose, if you proceed from a place of passion you can't go far wrong.

  2. What makes a book rare & collectible?

    The literal rarity of a book could be defined by the number of copies known to be physically available. This could be due, for example, to the size of a print-run (think Harry Potter) or copies remaining extant due to the slings & arrows of outrageous antiquity (think Shakespeare First Folios, perhaps). But there are a variety of factors that need to considered when collecting rare books to establish relative collectability. Edition, provenance, condition, collation and attractiveness all play a part! Check out our guide, What Makes a Book Valuable? 10 Things to Look Out For, for more advice.

  3. What are the best resources to help me collect rare books?

    It would be tempting to think that omnipresent resource the internet would make collecting rare books a simpler affair, and on some levels that is true. There are several online platforms dedicated to book selling nowadays, offering a bewildering choice of books at an often even more bewildering range of prices. However, the consistency of the knowledge, experience and application evident in some of the listings on these platforms can lead to confusion and disappointment. This underlines the importance of having as much knowledge as possible when collecting rare books. Some of these platforms also provide jargon-busting guides to help navigate trade and institutional terms, such as personal favourite sexagesimo-quarto. One of the most useful resources on that front is still probably Carter's invaluable ABC for Book Collectors.

    Some bibliographies (books about books) are now findable online, which can help identify whether something is a first edition or not. In terms of finding price-points for rare books, checking through the auction houses' websites, such as our own, can be useful, as they show prices achieved opposed to speculative prices.

  4. How can Forum Auctions help me collect rare books?

    A prescient and well-considered question! Alongside the veritable treasure trove of rare and collectable books we offer up for the delectation of rare book collectors almost every other week, Forum Auctions' team of rare books specialists have a blushingly large number of years' experience between them. Our experts would be delighted to consult with you on building a rare book collection, and can help source suitable items to be acquired both via the auction route and directly via private sale, where appropriate. Find out more here.

  5. Should I collect rare books as a form of investment?

    As mentioned above, we always recommend collecting rare books through a love of books, potentially aligned to your personal areas of interest. All forms of investment carry an element of risk, and collecting rare books is no different if you are focused on the ROI. That being said, there are aspects of rare book collecting that do seem to maintain a rude buoyancy in even the most troubled economic seas, and luxury items generally do tend to do well during economic downtrends. The marriage of "blue chip authors", i.e. those that maintain a seemingly timeless popularity, such as Agatha Christie and Ian Fleming, with definable scarcity and better-than-usual condition, perform well consistently. The great colour plate books on ornithology and botany will always resonate as pinnacles of book production.

    Keeping an eye on current market trends, particularly via major auction houses and association-affiliated bookdealers can provide some insight into at least what makes for a relatively safer book collection's building blocks. Do talk to one of our specialists for more information.

  6. How should I look after my rare books collection?

    Collecting rare books does bring with it the responsibility of caring for rare books! Please see our guides below for suggestions on best practice:

    How to take care of your old books
    How to look after modern first editions
    How to look after manuscripts
Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone

small print run

J.K. Rowling, Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone
The Book of Tobit and the History of Susanna

shakespeare first folio

The Winters Tale, extracted from the First Folio, 1623
Taylor (John) Verbum sempiternum [&] Salvator mundi


Taylor (John) Verbum sempiternum [&] Salvator mundi, 1614
Birds of Great Britain

colour plate books

Gould's Birds of Great Britain, "the most sumptuous and costly of British bird books"

Exploring Rare Books at Forum Auctions

Hopefully this guide will be of some assistance toward understanding what makes a book valuable, both for those wanting to know more about the books they already own and those looking to start collecting rare books. There are other things to look out for too, of course. Fine jewelled bindings will indubitably be valuable, though the value would depend somewhat on the jewels in question! In the good old days it was also not unheard of for people to hide banknotes between the pages of books, and many a bookseller has been pleasantly surprised to stumble upon cash prizes when handling old books. So always worth checking if you are helping a relative or friend with their old books collection.

Our rare books specialists are always on hand to help you with any enquiries you may have, so do please contact us for more information on understanding what makes a book valuable, and beyond.


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